Game On: Enhancing Technical Writing Skills Through Games

Bradley Nice
5 min readApr 24, 2023


by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

Practice makes perfect

Training through games can be an effective and engaging way to improve the skills of technical writers. By utilizing games, technical writers can enhance their abilities to write technical documents, user manuals, and instructional materials that are clear, concise, and easy to understand.

Why Use Games for Technical Writing Training

Gamification has become an increasingly popular method for training employees, including technical writers. And games can be an effective tool for technical writing training, here’s why:

  1. Games provide an immersive and interactive experience that can help technical writers learn new skills and retain information better than traditional training methods. When writers are actively engaged in a game, they are more likely to pay attention and recall the info than if they were just reading a textbook or listening to a lecture.
  2. Games can make training more engaging and enjoyable, which can again lead to better memorizing information. When writers enjoy the training process, they are more likely to be motivated to participate and put in the effort to learn new skills.
  3. Researches show that gamification can be an effective learning tool. Studies have found that learners often report higher motivation, engagement, and satisfaction with training when games are incorporated into the learning process. This can lead to better learning outcomes and improved performance.
  4. Games can also accommodate different learning styles and preferences. Some people learn best through hands-on activities, while others prefer visual or auditory learning. Games can incorporate different types of activities and media to appeal to different learning styles, making training more effective for everyone.
  5. Games can provide a real-world context for technical writing skills. By simulating real-world scenarios, games can help writers learn how to write technical documents, user manuals, and instructional materials that are clear, concise, and easy to understand. This can help writers see the practical applications of the skills they are learning, making it easier to apply them in their work.

Types of Games for Technical Writing Training

Now we see the obvious profit of games for learning, let’s elaborate on their types. There are several types of games that can be used to teach different skills. Here are three types of games commonly used for technical writing training:

  1. Interactive simulations can help writers learn how to write step-by-step instructions and troubleshoot problems by simulating real-world scenarios. For example, a game that simulates a product installation process can help technical writers learn how to write clear and concise instructions that are easy to follow. In this type of game, writers may be presented with a series of steps that they must complete in the correct order, and they may need to troubleshoot problems that arise along the way.
  2. Grammar and syntax games can help writers improve their writing skills by focusing on grammar rules and syntax conventions. For example, a game that challenges technical writers to identify and correct grammar and syntax errors can help them improve their writing skills. In this type of game, writers may be presented with a sentence or paragraph that contains errors, and they must identify and correct the errors to progress through the game.
  3. Word games can help writers expand their vocabulary and improve their writing fluency. For example, a game that challenges technical writers to use a specific set of technical terms in a sentence can help them expand their vocabulary and improve their writing skills. In this type of game, writers may be presented with a list of technical terms that they must incorporate into a sentence in the correct context.

By using a variety of game types, trainers can create a more comprehensive and engaging training program that meets the needs of different types of learners. When combined with other training methods, such as lectures, workshops, and hands-on practice, games can be a valuable tool for improving the technical writing skills of employees.

Best Practices for Using Games in Technical Writing Training

As we see using games for technical writing training can be a valuable tool for improving the skills of technical writers. However, to ensure that the training is effective, it is important to follow some best practices:

  1. Before using games for technical writing training, it is important to set clear learning objectives. This means defining the specific skills and knowledge that you want writers to learn and outlining how the games will help them achieve these objectives.
  2. It is important to choose games that are appropriate for the learning objectives and the level of experience of the writers. Some games may be too simple or too complex for certain groups, so it is important to choose games that are challenging but not overwhelming.
  3. To ensure that writers understand how to play the games, it is important to provide clear instructions. This may include providing a tutorial or walkthrough at the beginning of the game, as well as providing additional guidance as needed.
  4. Games should be designed to provide feedback and assessment to writers so they can track their progress and identify areas where they need to improve. This can be done through game-based assessments or through follow-up activities such as quizzes or writing assignments.
  5. It is important to provide writers with support and resources throughout the training process. This may include access to additional reading materials, online resources, or access to trainers who can answer questions and provide guidance.
  6. To ensure that games are used effectively, it is important to integrate them with other training methods, such as lectures, workshops, and hands-on practice. This will help writers reinforce their skills and knowledge and ensure that they are able to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios.

Overall, games can be a valuable tool for training technical writers to improve their skills. By providing an immersive and interactive learning experience, games can help writers learn new skills and retain information better than traditional training methods. With the right approach, games can be an effective and enjoyable way to improve the technical writing skills of employees. I’m curious to know if you play any games to improve your job skills. Personally, I enjoy playing crossword puzzles and Scrabble :)

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice, Content Manager at — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook