Technical Documentation as an Integral Feature of a Company’s Success

Bradley Nice
3 min readOct 31, 2022


by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

Language significantly influences all key figures, such as turnover or sales figures. An understandable, customer-oriented language adapted to the brand is increasingly becoming an important success factor for companies today. Products can become useless at best and harmful at worst without clear, precise wording that specifies the specs and recommendations for usage.

So, the importance of technical writing in the technology sphere is clear. For example, suppose you’re introducing a new product. In that case, it is necessary to clearly describe the product’s objective, as well as the capacity to ingest data and main benefits compared to its competitors. Individuals and businesses may hesitate to invest in new goods and processes if their technical writing is poor. Thus, the value of technical writing may be measured in terms of the money it generates and the convenience and security it provides for readers.


Technical manuals can assist when unique scenarios arise or be a thorough reference in other situations. This information is readily available even if someone with more expertise or experience is not. Technical writing documents can help to decrease or eliminate downtime.


Content marketing aims to acquire new customers and keep the ones you already have. Marketing materials should promote a product, service, or brand, ideally converting them into customers. Technical writers must ensure that a user’s path to interact with specific content is not overly complicated, rewarding, or beneficial. This is where marketing overlap may be helpful, as you can guide the audience to a product or service that can solve their issues.

Product Testing

Technical writers must become very well acquainted with the product they’re documenting, so they must carefully test its features and use it as an end-user would.

By doing that, they’re providing an extra layer of manual testing to help the development team catch more mistakes and smooth out the product features before it hits the market.


When new employees join a company, they resemble the product’s end-users. They need to learn about the product quickly to complete various tasks. The rise of remote work has significantly decreased the portion of training done in person, so employees can’t always count on supervisors to show them how things are done.

Technical writers are of great help here since they create materials intended to help users learn everything there is to know about the company’s product. They can also help new employees approach the product for the first time. Employees can get access to the software and learn how to use it with the help of your technical documentation.


Companies must have consistent content for all client touchpoints. For example, users may research a company by attending a webinar, watching an overview video, visiting a demo site, and so on. After purchasing the software, they may interact with additional material, such as a support article, emails from customer service, KB articles, and more.

Language is the basis of entrepreneurial success. A functional language conveys brand, emotions, and understanding to the customer. Start with technical documentation if you are considering introducing a working language for your company. The people there know all the challenges related to language and are often able to provide the solutions already.

Technical writing is gradually becoming a business’s backbone, and expert writers are in high demand. High sales, greater customer confidence, added value to the product, and reduced product support time were all benefits of a corporation that keeps usable documentation.

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice, Content Manager at — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook